"Consuming Beauty" Available on Amazon Prime!!!

After a two-year production and a lengthy Festival circuit, I am excited to have this film available to the public. So many people worked so long and so hard on this project, it is cathartic to unleash it for viewing.
From Eli Jarra's stunning Cinematography and Sergio Crego's brilliant Lighting, to Charlotte Zang's eye-dropping Production Design and the Performances of Shannon Lucio and Christian Levatino, this was truly a passion project that everyone involved gave all they had to. The Score by John Myers, the Sound Mix by Tim Hoagland and Color by Nick Hasson helped to polish the final product.
Many thanks to everyone else who helped bring this production to fruition; Kyle Kenyon, Justin Cram, Charlie Hofheimer, Brian Ross, Nina Concepcion, Joel Pike, Kathy Zang, Brian Nelson, Eroc Moralls and especially, always and forever Gary Poux.